Filipina Beauty


FilipinaBeautyI’m not the only Western guy to notice the exceptional beauty of the women here in the Philippines.  Most first-time visitors comment on how pretty the girls are (both men and women).

Here’s what’s interesting: Filipino culture tends to prize features we’d associate with Caucasians.  White skin, a pointed nose, and blue eyes are considered handsome or beautiful characteristics.  Some of this goes back to the period in which the Spaniards ruled.  Children of Spanish colonizers certainly had certain social/economic advantages, so “whiter is better” kind of got imprinted in the culture.

I don’t think this preference is purely based on cultural baggage from the Spanish era. Maybe it also has to do with Western media and the desire to look more like international actors and actresses.

For better or worse, people in the Philippines admire light skin. Filipinos spend millions on products designed to whiten their skin (first-time visitors to the country may be surprised by the marketing of “skin whitening” lotions).   Many of the popular tv and movie stars are half Filipino/half Caucasian.

RECOMMENDED: I recommend Christian Filipina for those who are serious about finding love in the Philippines.

Most Filipino men I’ve talked to tend to prefer women with fair complexions (called mestizas).   Women with darker complexions (morenas) are often not considered as beautiful. There are exceptions to this rule, but I’m speaking in very general terms to make a point.

Here’s where this gets interesting for Western men: the woman you consider beautiful may be looked upon as completely “average” by the standards here in the Philippines.  I love the look of a “classic” Filipina beauty: dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes, and a petite figure.  Most foreigners I meet also seem to choose morenas.

This is where a Western man is in a win-win situation as far as physical attraction goes.  He admires the women of the Philippines who may not be appreciated by her fellow countrymen.  She is attracted to his pointed nose and other Caucasian features.

I think this is an overlooked aspect of “Fil-West” relationships.  Philippine women are often just considering all their options and responding to those who most appreciate their unique attractiveness.


Why Many Western Men Choose Filipinas


Many Western men choose to build a relationship with a woman from the Philippines. Some even choose to marry a Filipina. But what makes Filipino women so wanted? These are some thoughts I have collected over the years. What would you add to the list?

1. Filipina girls are renowned for their beauty.
They surely stand out among Asian women in terms of charm and femininity.

2. Filipino girls are a delight to be around because of their disposition and personality.
Since birth Filipinas are raised in a special sense of honor called Delikadesa (or Delicadeza). Delicadeza is a Spanish term which when translated in English means daintiness. It is defined as a sense of propriety, an act of being refined or delicate in tastes and manners. It is Delikadesa what gives Filipino women such admirable qualities and distinguish them from Western ladies. You will never find a proper Filipina bring shame onto herself and her family by lying, cheating, stealing, running around with different men or flunking out of school. It is one of the meanings of Delikadesa – pride in doing the right thing.

3. Filipinas are understanding, patient and composed.
Most Filipina girls would never engage in a quarrel or a loud argument simply because this wouldn’t suit a real Lady. They are taught to speak politely, with a gentle tone of voice. Arguing is just not acceptable, along with public criticism. This soft spoken, quiet and understanding nature of the Filipina Ladies is the desired trait that Filipinas strive towards.

4. Filipina girls are generous and naturally caring and supportive.
The common spirit of survival has united the Filipinos for centuries making generosity and loyalty towards family a time-honored tradition. The caring and supportive nature of the Filipinas is apparent in the fact that there are no booming businesses for retirement homes or orphanages in the Philippines – they would never abandon a child or a member of the family in need.

5. Filipina girls believe in a one-man one-woman relationship.
Since there is no “absolute divorce” in the Philippines, Filipinas are raised in a high regard for the sanctity of marriage and consider it a life long commitment. Some, in fact many who marry these Filipina beauties, swear they make the best wives in the world – loyal, loving and faithful past death.

RECOMMENDED: I recommend Christian Filipina for those who are serious about finding love in the Philippines.

6. Filipina women put family first before money.
Faithfulness to the family is a tradition that is characteristic of the Filipino society. To the Filipina, family will always remain a great priority. Filipino women, whom many would consider as coming from a relatively poor country, view the close loving bonds of their family as their wealth. They are more willing to sacrifice career than a family.

7. Filipinas are excellent home keepers.
Filipino ladies equate domestic responsibility with being a good wife – their home is a great source of pride for them and they do their best to create a warm and loving environment for their family. For the Filipina even yelling at home would mean de-facing her home so you will probably never find a Filipina woman screaming or breaking dishes.

8. Filipinas are well educated.
The Philippine culture attaches great importance to college education. Pride in accomplishment at school is instilled in Filipinas since their childhood and female college enrollment even exceeds that of the male. This affects the social positions too. Unlike other Asian countries where women tend to be in more subservient positions, the Philippines businesses are more accepting of women performing business. This is apparent with the current Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – the second Philippine woman to hold this esteemed position.

9. Filipino girls are religious.
The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic (the only Christian nation in the Far East) and it is common amongst Philippine families to raise their children in the church. So don’t be surprised if your Filipina girl is more devoted to her religion than you are to yours.

10. Filipina-American marriages are more successful than American-American marriages.
An interesting fact is that according to the statistics Filipina-American marriages arranged through dating services have a lower divorce rate (about 20%) than the standard American- American marriage (about 40%). Still, the statistics may vary according to which source you use.

Reposted with permission from one of the groups I’m a member of. 

Why Marry a Filipina? High Marital Success Rate

Here’s some pretty fascinating information about marriages between Filipinas and Westerners.


“According to data supplied by the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 2,395,000 marriages in the U.S. in the 12 months ending June, 1997 (and 1,154,000 divorces in the same period). The 4,000 to 6,000 marriages involving international services represent, then, a tiny portion (.021 percent) of the women who marry U.S. men.

It is interesting to note that, based largely on data provided by the agencies themselves (along with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas report cited above), marriages arranged through these services would appear to have a much lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole, fully 80 percent of these marriages having lasted over the years for which reports are available.

Source: (emphasis mine)

RECOMMENDED: I recommend Christian Filipina for those who are serious about finding love in the Philippines.

I know statistics can be interpreted different ways, but this is pretty impressive–80% success rate.  Compare this with the usual divorce rate (it’s around 40-50% in the US) and you’ll see why so many Western men think about marrying Filipinas.