I wanted to share with you my success story and possibly get a link from your blog to my site.
I started my online dating experience over 3 years ago and have been married to my beautiful wife for 2 of them. She is definately the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I met her on one of the “kisses sites” but not without running into at least 20 scammers first. When I first signed onto the site they sent me an email telling me that 90% of the women were scammers or spammers and to be careful. I had been chatting with about 10 women at one time eliminating the scammers one by one but there was one that was very good. I actually talked to her for as long as I did my eventual wife. I knew something was fishy because I never did see her in a cam but we did exchange many pictures and at one point when I thought we were getting serious I sent her money to get her passport. She did and then sent me a scanned copy of it and everything matched up including the date and her picture. I did find out later that she did tell me a larger price to get the passport but I found that out from my wife after I went to visit her in Japan. I had dropped the scammer long before. As you will see if you check out my blog it was just yesterday that the whole truth was revealed to me as I could never prove she was scamming until I found her on another website yesterday with at least 2 profiles with the same pics she was using 2 years ago. This was the proof to me.
Anyway back to my success. After I met the woman that would become my wife. The chatting with other girls got less and less leading up to the time I would go visit her in Japan. I spent at least 1-3 hours a day talking with her over the yahoo messenger phone for almost 6 months before I went to Japan. Of course I was still a bit skeptical when Im getting off the plane but I was there to meet her and put any fears to rest. They were all put down as soon as our eyes met at the baggage pick up and I saw her through the window. She did a little dance of excitement that I will never forget. From then on I knew we would be together. I spent 2 weeks in Japan over my birthday on valentines day and it was the best birthday I had in my life. I even got a nice dragon tattoo to remember my trip to Japan everytime I see it. I still get compliments on it today.

After my trip back home to Michigan I planned a trip to the Philippines so we could be married here and that happened about 5 months later. Then I made one more trip back home and tied up all the loose ends of my business since I decided I would rather live in the Philippines. It was an easy decesion because I work from home on the computer and I really like the life style here.
Since moving here we have bought a house and 6 months ago we had our first child. A bouncing baby boy. I love it here.
I have to say though I dissagree with your assesment that 90% of the women on these sites are true and honest. The site I mentioned above has since stopped sending out the email saying that 90% are scammers or spammers. I checked on that a few months ago when I started research into starting my own site. However I can also tell you that your blog is very informative for those new to online dating of Filipinas and for the most part I could not put it better myself. I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for your time and enjoy your time here in the Philippines
Thanks for this guest post!
The % of scammers may depend on the website you choose. Here’s where we agree–you do have to be careful, but finding love online is possible.