When I wrote my first review of Christian-Filipina.com it was a relatively new website. I liked it back then, but I think it has come a long way and gotten even better.
I’ve already stated that I like the spiritual approach of this website. But there’s another advantage I’m seeing–the owners (who are really nice people) are really just focused on that one website and they really give their full time and attention to it.
Some other sites are parts of huge dating website networks and operate websites targeting several countries (China, Russia, Brazil, etc.). That’s fine I guess, but I like the fact that Christian Filipina is more like a small family business. I think that improves the quality of service they can give to their website members. I think their new look is good, too.

I think Christian Filipina is the best of all the websites out there (and I’ve tried quite a few of them). One more tip: I’d encourage you to think about the Platinum (one-year) membership if you decide to join. That way you can really take your time when you are searching for the right girl. Just CLICK HERE to visit the website.